Generation 2000 (G2K) the young professional affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), donated J$100,000 to the Hodgesland Basic School in St. Elizabeth. The generous donation will go towards the building of a modern restroom for the students, replacing the antiquated pit latrines that are currently being used.
The Hodge’s Land Basic school has been in operation from before Jamaica gained independence. It’s Principal, Mrs. Marcia Hewitt, has served the school for over thirty of those years, which is extremely admirable. Therefore, when we learned that she needed assistance in upgrading the school’s facilities we immediately sprang into action to help raise the funds and support the initiative. Our genuine hope is that the improved learning environment, with new bathrooms for the children, will enable the school to serve the community for many more generations to come,” said G2K President, Mr. Stephen Edwards.
Ms. Marcine Witter, who is a teacher from St. Elizabeth brought the conditions at the school to the attention of G2K and sought the organization’s assistance. G2K was able to raise the necessary funds through donations from its network and fundraising events. On Friday, May 18th, 2018, members of G2K journeyed to St. Elizabeth to officially hand over the contribution to the school, which was well-received by the Principal, members of staff and the community.
We at G2K believe that it is important to also invest our time and energies into projects that we make commitments on. Therefore, in addition to the monetary contribution we have added the construction of the new bathrooms at the Hodgesland Basic School to our list of Labour Day projects so that our members can physically assist with the execution of the works on that day,” said Ms. Daniella Allen, G2K Outreach Committee Chairperson.
Generation 2000 is encouraging persons who are interested in participating in this and similar nation-building activities to contact the organization for information on how to get involved.
Excerpt from: http://go-jamaica.com/pressrelease/item.php?id=7237